Plastic shimmering yellow in dirty glass in loops and light electric
red amber blue air shining summer blocks traffic molecules streaming
black limpet gum hard creasing and straightening fabric and flight
Lowered folding across a slump brittle air thin bitter coffee
burnt umber resin turning of image stretching heads hard
light kick kicking before a pitch pool around familial pausing
arcing urine acrid light from oblong scorched tangerine
Ragged suns steel
rising through concrete
blue fire red
framed throbbing against sky
and black glass
Certainly nothing rising here light sinking softly into
whitewashed render and bundled bags of crap sitting out
Green walls Recro Cabin common rough and industrial dappled today
broken sunbathing rooftop decayed blighting
legs discarded
reaching for the
from grass clumping along intersections of materials & planes
dilapidation patchwork failure success going on
Wet smudging a falling off over a white slope and down through frozen blades
green light & dismal drowning beauty dark sketches
figuring through a brittle parkscape
through a million evanescent crystals pushing aside
crushing & packing together
and stick-like dark in the wet
mossy glow
drifting towards an air of stones
Pollarded against rich waving blue depth &
particles of chemical compounds flowing
through Chestersway Chicken &
softly roaring hot sticky traction
spinning globules of water thrust
up against dragging curves
pressing air figures shimmering
blackly against concrete
and thick viscous light
In the giddy depths of hot cobalt black a shining third storey window
Gaudy desires rising from parks with smoke &
evaporating sweat metallic pop alongside
grinding screaming and delighting squeals
streaming hair long lines of
shuffling throbbing bodies
what loveliness through torn sugar
Sexualised aspirational poverty
tacked giant size
across a dilapidated corner
fairly weeping
grinning crocodile tears &
splashing fantastical colour
across ailing bricks &
glass & an
ornate dying &
impossible living &
pathetic morphing hope
Watering the rich features of beauty
beyond the common experience sheets
of flowing time something obscured relaxing
and soothing the privileged experience a
step beyond the gating of status out of
broadly psychopathic tendencies
Each rich red brick
pushing outwards
to its every
limit’s edge
all containing
particles of
stale growth
limp linen and
an occasional fluttering
drawing water
off into traffic air
across rails hefted shining
above kinetic roaring traction
energetic planes intimate
intricate & invisibly
constellating around shifting
soft vulnerabilities
dispersed along tarmac